Social Networks

How to remove or delete someone else's likes, tags and comments on my Facebook

Facebook is a multifunctional and versatile social network for all types of users, it offers people the freedom to express oneself as they want to, as long as they don't use offensive language, which leaves room for a possibility of being blocked or eliminated. .

However, there are times when a user has used offensive language or made a comment that we don't want to see on our website. Facebook and that we therefore wish to delete it. Here, we'll teach you how to remove or remove someone else's likes, tags, and comments.

What are spam comments or offensive language on Facebook?

Due to the freedom of expression that Facebook grants to each of its users, and the many interpersonal reasons or motivations that people have, this social network lends itself to make comments of all kinds , including those unwanted by some profiles.

In addition, offensive language often goes unnoticed on Facebook and those who need to act on it are the users through a complaint, reporting verbal and written abuse or mistreatment that were committed against another person; this type of language should not be allowed.

Each of the comments we make, that we can see on our profile , should be monitored so that discord does not occur in a social network designed for this, to socialize, but it is quite a difficult task to do, and Facebook a lot Sometimes it just waits for complaints. 

However, there are those who do not want to complain about the comments or profiles of third parties and prefer to go the route of the blocking or eliminating that user who has used offensive language or who is simply making comments that we don't want to see.

How to delete or block a user on Facebook?

The deletion of an account can only be carried out by its owner or, failing that, by the Facebook administration , and this for one or more reasons why Facebook considers to have violated a regulation.

However, due to a comment that may having inserted a link with offensive and irrelevant information or not, a Like that we do not want to receive from a specific user in our posts or unwanted tags, may be our reasons for blocking that user or removing it from our friends list on Facebook.

It's very easy to do, just apply the same procedure as when we add someone to our friends list on Facebook and among the different options find the one that says block the user.

By clicking here you can specify how you want to block him, with the conditions you want and for how long you want to stop seeing his profile name in your Facebook experience, which can be undefined, if necessary.

But, without going to these extremes, and for the simple reason of a inappropriate comment for our interests, we can choose to remove it or remove it, along with the tags and a Like that we don't want.

How do I remove or delete someone else's likes, tags and comments on my Facebook?

You should first know that the different versions of Facebook have many differences between them , and therefore this process can be done in some of them, as in the case of Facebook Lite which does not have some configurations. 

Second, you should know that it is easier than eating bread, and removing or Supprimer the likes, tags and comments from someone else on your Facebook is as easy as remove a vote from a poll on Facebook.

To delete a like from another person, you can choose to delete, hide the post, or block the person who created it. There is no option that eliminates such a thing.

In the case of deleting a comment, you just have to go to the post where it is, and in the comments section, to identify it; then click on the three points right and click to delete the comment.

And finally, for delete a tag all you have to do is go to the publication, then to the menu option, where you will click on remove this tag. 

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