Social Networks

What is SubxSub and why should you avoid it? - Tips

Many people around the world have started to be included in the YouTube craze; platform on which you can download different types of contents . Within the platform there is a large number of users, who have filled the spaces of this platform with hundreds of dynamics, videos and strategies, with which attract more and more subscribers to their channels , And even earn money for this support .

However, to grow within this plate - forms , you must have more than great ideas for making videos, because within it there are different ways and methods to increase your numbers.

However, this path to fame within YouTube is plagued by hundreds of problems and difficulties, which may sound absurd to you. For this reason, some users have resorted to the policy " SubxSub In which one user talks to another and accepts, in order to follow each other.

While this may seem like a great idea to some users, it's not a great long-term strategy, so in this article we want to explain to you in much more detail how this method works and why it is considered to be one. of the least effective. . all over the web.

Why is SubxSub a failed method?

Although this seems like a great way to grow your channel YouTube , this "tool" goes against the internal rules of use and service that the platform itself offers to its users.

The main idea behind YouTube is that you find content and creators that you like and deserve to subscribe to their chain . In short, this sub-sub-strategy goes against any natural and company-approved use, since it would deviate from the form of use.

Ideally, you should create your own content and attract gradually the attention people on your channel organically and not inflate it with strategies that strive to create ghost followers. It is for this reason that we can see channels, whose subscriber metrics reach 10000 subscribers, but looking for videos , we can see that their views on many occasions do not exceed 50 faithful .

In addition to all that has already been commented on, it is possible that YouTube will penalize you , or in the worst case, delete your channel, restrict your visibility on the platform, etc.

Are you generating subscribers without using SubxSub?

While it sounds simple, the reality can be a little more difficult, as the basis of it all is staying constant within your networks and generating content that is focused on a specific audience.

Likewise, you can count on interesting and colorful titles, which attract different types of audience, to your posts and with which you also have the possibility to play in terms of emoji or type of content that you offer,

Another thing that will help you on your way to becoming a great YouTuber , is the creation of descriptions small but surprising on your video, like a mouth opener. This will give all of your users a great reason to follow you and why to keep viewing your content.

Likewise, these descriptions will help you place your video in the top results offered by the recherches Google . With all of these tips, you can do great things in your profile YouTube , without having to resort to strategies that will only help you waste time and energy without any sense.

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