
How to properly install and configure Wine on Ubuntu Linux step by step

Ubuntu is a popular Linux operating system that has been used by many people around the world. And this is completely understandable, because it is really easy to use , in addition to being completely free. And, as with any good operating system today, there are certain platforms that allow us to make special options in Ubuntu.

One of those useful platforms is Wine. If you have a computer with Ubuntu and want to get the most out of it with Wine, don't worry, because here we show you how to properly install and configure Wine in Ubuntu Linux step by step . With the steps that we will give you below, you can achieve this easily and quickly.

How to correctly install Wine on Ubuntu?

With Ubuntu being such a widely used and well-known operating system lately, there is no doubt that those who have it want to take advantage of the options it offers as much as possible. But, although it is an operating system of excellent quality , there are some things people might miss about the famous Windows.

Someone running Ubuntu might want to download a native Windows game or application for one reason or another. And that's where Wine comes in. This practical platform allows Ubuntu users to download, install and run any Windows software from their choice in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to Wine, downloading programs into Ubuntu, whether or not they are from Windows, has become completely possible today. And there are also ways to emulate Windows on a cell phone to perform certain tasks.

Steps to follow to properly install this platform

To use Wine in Ubuntu , you have to take into account some details. For example, you have to remember that it is necessary to have a 84-bit x32 or a 86-bit x64, in addition to a Unix-like system. If you have these requirements, you need to go to the official Wine HQ page and then follow the steps below:

  • On the aforementioned page, navigate to the “Wine Source Downloads” section.
  • Once there, download the source code package .

That's all you need to do to download Wine on Ubuntu, and as you can see it's really easy. All you have to do is configure Wine to work fully on your computer.

How to correctly configure Wine in Ubuntu?

Although at first it might seem a bit difficult to set up Wine in Ubuntu, it's actually pretty straightforward if you follow the steps below carefully. Once you've downloaded Wine in Ubuntu, all you need to do to set it up and start using it is:

  • Open a terminal on your computer by pressing "CTRL + ALT + T".
  • Once there, to activate the 42-bit architecture and make it easier to use, enter the code “sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386”.
  • To do this, you need to import the keys and then add them to the system using the command “wget -nc https: //” “sudo apt-key add Release. key ".
  • Then you need to add a repository to the system by typing in the terminal "sudo apt-add-repository" and "sudo apt-add-repository ´deb https: // artful main´ ”.
  • Finally, what you need to do to install and start using Wine properly in Ubuntu, is enter the following code in the terminal "Sudo apt-get install –install-recomends winehq-stable".

As easy as that! By doing this, you will have already installed and correctly configured the Wine platform in Ubuntu. You can now download Windows apps for free in Ubuntu whether 32-bit or 64-bit, thanks to the excellent quality of this useful platform. And if at some point you decide that you no longer need it, it will be very easy to uninstall this program from the terminal.

Also be aware that you can download games with Wine, but it is not the only platform for this. You can install Windows games on Linux at the Steam Play help. The process will also be very simple.

Learning more about how our computers work and all of the options they offer can be of tremendous benefit to anyone. We hope that all of this information on how to install and configure Wine in Ubuntu will help you achieve this and that you can enjoy the many improvements that technology can offer to our lives.

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