
How to fix .Net Framework error code 0x800f0922 in Windows 10

Windows users often find it difficult to update their applications. In such circumstance, error 0x800f0922 may occur, so we recommend that you read this article to find out How to fix .Net Framework error code 0x800f0922 in Windows 10

What is .Net Framework error 0x800f0922 in Windows 10?

0x800f0922 is a error code which refers to an update failure of Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 operating systems. Sometimes the error indicates that the hard drive does not have free space to install the update. In view of this, you should know how put à Windows day if there is not enough space on your hard drive.  

Whenever the error 0x800f0922 occurs on a computer, users see a dialog box with the code for this error. Additionally, Windows Updates fail or are incomplete, and applications cannot be opened after performing the System Update process.

Causes of error 0x800f0922

Causes of error 0x800f0922 may include problems while connecting to the Windows update server or when the computer has too little storage space for installing the system partition.

In some situations the .Net Framework application is responsible for error 0x800f0922 . In this case, it is necessary to activate this function and try to update the system again.

How to fix .Net Framework error code 0x800f0922 in Windows 10

If you need to fix .Net Framework error code 0x800f0922 in Windows 10, it is essential to have a stable internet connection and follow a series of steps which we explain below.

Check the internet connection

First, you need to check the status of your internet connection, then disable VPN if you use it. To do this, locate your web browser and try a search. If no results appear, restart the router and the computer.

Then try to use an Ethernet connection which replaces the wireless connection and disables the VPN if it is enabled. Run the utility problem resolution Windows and disable bandwidth-hungry download managers.

Check the .Net Framework application

Make sure you have the latest version of the .Net Framework application. Remember you can troubleshoot Microsoft Store issues if you can't update this app. Once this step is done, check if it is enabled in Windows features.

To do this, type in the system search engine Windows features and choose the option "Activate or deactivate Windows features". Check all the options related to .Net Framework and press the "Save" button. Then restart the computer and see if the problem is resolved.

Disable the firewall

Sometimes the firewall blocks updates and if this happens it is better to disable firewall . It is important to note that it is not recommended to permanently delete the parent - fire because you will need it active to install system updates.

To turn off the firewall, go to the Windows search engine and type "Firewall". Click Windows Defender Firewall. Press the option " Enable or disable Windows firewall ». Then click on disable firewall for public and private networks. Press the "Apply" button and perform the system update.

Delete some registry values

If the error persists, press the key combination "Win + R" and type "regedit". Press the "Enter" key and in the registry editor, browse the different directories to follow this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Publishers. Right click on Editors and select the "Export" option. Choose the location where you will store the key for this registry and enter the desired file name. Finally, press the "Save" button.

Finally, find the key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion \ WINEVTPublishers {e7ef96be-969f-414f-97d7-3ddb7b558ccc} remove it by right-clicking and clicking "Remove". Repeat the process for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion \ WINEVTPublishers8c416c79-d49b-4f01-a467-e56d3aaa8234c} key

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