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How to view cached webpages and grab them even if it doesn't work? Step by step guide

Le cache is the copy of a Web page , who is stored instantly when the browser enters a portal . In that case, Google As main search engine , save the site.

The useful life of a copy is 6 to 11 weeks , because the original page is constantly updated, Google must therefore renew the stored information.

This copy is used by the search engine to coincide with searches made by users on the Internet . If the page is unresponsive, loads very slowly, is not currently available, or has been deleted, you can still visit the version of the portal that is stored in le cache of Google. Find Out How To View Cached Web Pages!

Steps to View Cached Web Pages on Your Computer

Examining Cached Web Pages is relatively straightforward. The procedure can be performed from any browser . This includes: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, among others.

The steps to follow are as follows:

Open the browser

Go to "Start" and select the browser of your choice. You can also access it from a shortcut on the desktop or in the toolbar.

In the case of Chrome and Firefox

Open the browser de Google Chrome ou Firefox . Go to the address bar and enter the URL of the search engine you are using . Mostly, Google is the most common, although there are others like Bing ou Yahoo!

Enter a search

  • In the search box, search on any topic , subject or website you want to enter.
  • In the page results, search for url in green letters and click on the arrow pointing down. A small menu is displayed with two options: On cache et similar.
  • Clicking on "Hidden" , you will enter the backup copy of this website, which is stored in the computer's memory.


  • Another way to view cached web pages is to use the following url: »» .
  • After the colon ( :), you need to enter the address of the page you want to go to. For example: "»
  • Likewise, to further simplify the process, just type in the address bar: "Cache: domainweb" . For example: "cache:"
  • The procedure is exactly the same in any browser , because everyone uses Google as the main search engine, and it is responsible for storing backup copies of the sites you visit.

However, the procedure is practically the same in the other engines , so that viewing web pages cached is very simple.

"UPDATE ✅ Do you want to load a web page from your cache to view it without an internet connection?" ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and learn how to do it FROM SCRATCH! ”

Opening a web page through cache is very useful in various situations. In particular when:

  • A website has been deleted by the owner of the domain. If you have a backup copy of the portal, you will be able to access the latest version loaded on your computer.
  • The page is reduced. Massive web traffic influences portal download. If you receive multiple requests at the same time, it will take longer to open. To save browsing data, it is best to use the latest stored version of the site.
  • Charging is slow. Using the cache copy allows the page to download much faster, as it contains material that has already been uploaded to the website.
  • The content of the page is blocked in your region. You can access the previous version of the cached portal, but you will not be able to receive future data updates.

What are the main limitations of websites loaded from cache?

Using a cached website is not always the solution. Although it offers many advantages, it also has limit notable .

Among the main negative points are:

Limited lifespan

Backups stored in the computer cache have an expiration time , that is, they will remain stored for some time. As mentioned above, it is normal for this to last around 6-11 weeks. After this period, if the page remains inactive, the copy will be deactivated and you will no longer be able to access the portal .

Deleting data

For performance reasons, the system takes care of delete the oldest data from the computer, in order to allow access to new backup copies . Web browsers have tools that clean up storage space and delete any copies they deem unnecessary.

Last version

You can only enter the last cached backup . However, this means that you will not be able to interact with the content because the portal is not updating. Therefore, the web page only works in read mode, until it is updated.

Data consistency

What appears on the screen is not always the same as what is stored in the cache . This is a common issue, caused by frequent modification of cached data, which confuses the backup and does not display all of the items it should display.

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