
SEO on Youtube - What is it and how does it work?

In this article you will find out what the SEO on YouTube, how it works and some tips to improve the SEO positioning of your videos on YouTube.

We all know that YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet after Google. It generates around 92 billion pageviews per month which also generates huge traffic to various websites and blogs.

It's a platform where 400 hours of video are loaded per minute!

But how do you avoid getting lost in the sea of ​​videos that is YouTube? ...

Your best bet is to produce and post great videos and then optimize them for search using YouTube video SEO best practices. 

In this article, we will see some tips on how to plan and implement your YouTube SEO strategy in the best way and you can get a huge increase in your views ...

Let's start!

What is SEO on YouTube?

THE search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving practice for designing web content to increase ranking factors for high rankings in Search Engine Search Results Pages (SERPs).

Since search is often the keeper of your content, optimizing your website for search is necessary to drive traffic and grow your audience.

YouTube SEO is all about optimizing your channel, playlists, metadata, description, and the videos themselves. You can optimize your videos for search on and off YouTube.

What is a YouTube SEO strategy?

Si you already created your own YouTube channel and uploaded your first videos, you might know the basics of search engine optimization for YouTube videos like: include keywords in title, meta description, and tags.

And since search engines can only crawl text, not images or audio, you need to get the most out of the text in your videos. This is why having a complete and accurate transcript is so valuable for YouTube SEO.

How does YouTube search work?

Google's ownership of YouTube has helped it become a video search engine. The two companies share data transparently.

One of the main benefits of uploading your videos to YouTube is immediate indexing by Google. There's no waiting time for bots to crawl your videos and no need to submit a new video sitemap.

Even with this close relationship between Google and YouTube, your audience growth strategy should follow traditional SEO principles. Well-optimized content gives search engines the necessary metrics to find and index your YouTube videos.

A video can't go viral if Google doesn't understand what it is. And because search engine bots can't see the videos, they rely on the accompanying text data to index them properly.

How to SEO on YouTube?

If you are a student, this silver necklace is absolutely your first choice. The silver color will show your vitality and your youth. born the knew Not already, YouTube videos also need to be SEO optimized, just like your content to rank in search results.

How does SEO work compared to the YouTube algorithm?

There are techniques you can follow to optimize your YouTube videos so that they rank higher in YouTube search results. A Before these tips, you should understand that:

YouTube has its own algorithm for rating a video. Even if you buy inorganic YouTube traffic, it doesn't guarantee that you will rank higher organically.

One of the most well-known factors for high ranking YouTube videos is the viewing time.

If a user starts watching your video and drops it within the first few seconds, your ranking may drop. So I guess you are already working hard to create some engaging YouTube videos and are using a eye-catching vignette to get more CTR (click-through rate) from related and embedded videos.

Now let's take a look at some of the best YouTube SEO tips, which will help you get more organic views for your videos.

Video title: use keywords

The title of the video lets you know what your video is about. A title that perfectly matches the content of your video will be very viewer-friendly and also YouTube's SEO algorithm.

Take advantage of Google and YouTube's autocomplete feature. This will give you insight into what people are looking for on Google and YouTube and help you optimize your content accordingly.

As you can see in the image above, once I type in a few keywords, YouTube starts suggesting results. Indeed, these are the most searched queries for keywords.

Likewise, you can use Google's autocomplete to generate more keyword ideas.

Another method, which is one of my favorites, is to use TubeBuddy.

TubeBuddy is a Complete and free YouTube SEO tool which allows you to search for YouTube topics. Is this how it works:

Step #1: Install TubeBuddy for free.

Step #2: Click on explorer of mots - Keywords by TubeBuddy:

Then you will see a screen with a search bar to allow you to enter your keyword:

Enter keyword or subject you want to make the video on, and TubeBuddy will show you the topics along with the related traffic and keywords.

This way you can discover words - Keywords and TubeBuddy will award a " score For each keyword (based on different metrics).

The idea is that you use TubeBuddy's Keyword Explorer until you find a keyword that perfectly matches your needs.

How do I use the video title to improve my YouTube SEO strategy?

When you already have your target keyword ( with a high score, un search volume and relevance enough ), use this keyword to create a meaningful video and title to improve your chances of ranking higher in YouTube search.

Video Description

Write a description of your video content RELEVANT to the video itself. The first two lines play an important role in how your video ranks in the search engine.

You can also use search engine autocomplete keyword phrases as the description.

How do I use video description to improve my YouTube SEO strategy?

If your search keyword matches the first two lines of your video description, the video is more likely to rank higher.

Write your video descriptions wisely to match your search keyword.

Read our article on YouTube keyword research with TubeBuddy to dig a little deeper.

Name your video file

You have created and edited your video and are ready to upload it to YouTube, but you have treated your video file as mov01.avi or newvideo.mp4, make sure to rename your video to your keyword.mp4.

How do I use the video filename to improve my YouTube SEO strategy?

Naming your video file as the target keyword actually tells the search engine what is in your video, search engines cannot look inside the video content. This is the name of the file that tells the search algorithm what your video is about.

Having the title of the video as the video file name helps the search engines to easily index the videos resulting in higher rankings. So put your specific keyword in the name of the video file.

Optimize using research data

These are the golden nuggets of existing YouTube video optimization. If you analyze the data and statistics of your videos well, you will be able to draw several conclusions for your next videos and optimize your existing content.

How can I use research data to improve my YouTube SEO strategy?

Go to Click then on Statistics:

Then, if you click on the " SEE MORE “, You will open the analysis page for all your videos, and you can select one by one to analyze different metrics:

Now you just have to choose one of your videos (in this example, we select the video "Applications for marketing" ...

This will bring you to a screen with lots of information important on the results of this video on Youtube :

Now just click on the traffic source and select YouTube search.

This would open the page showing all the queries users use to find your video on YouTube:

Now you need to optimize your video title, description and tags based on these queries.

Treat these queries like a keyword that you need to optimize your video for. If you see a query and your video doesn't explain that part, that's the idea for your next YouTube video.

Use the closed caption feature

Use YouTube's closed captioning (cc) feature. This displays your text on the video, helping viewers better understand your video narration.

It can also be translated into different languages ​​to reach more people. Downloading the transcript also helps.

How do I use captions to improve my SEO strategy on YouTube?

The transcripts contain the text of what was said in the video. YouTube's new algorithm automatically converts your voice into a transcript, making it easy to activate. You can also write a subtitle if your video does not contain voice.

The use of captions gives the video a new way to connect to the search engine because a keyword is written in it.

Also, write your transcript in the video description. By doing this, the keyword of your video is rich which is very search engine friendly.

Tags and keywords on YouTube

Tags are another important way to rank higher in YouTube search.

How do I use tags and keywords to improve my SEO strategy on YouTube?

Here are some tips for tagging your videos:

1.- First add the specific tags: write down your main keyword first. Doing this will put weight on the algorithms.

2.- List of general tags: write general and corresponding keywords.

3.- You can use the Tubebuddy tool: which helps you find the right tags for your video:

It also shows your ranking for the particular keyword. This tool is used by many professional YouTubers and is also highly recommended for your YouTube channel.

Pay attention to how people find your videos

Also, include spelling mistakes in your tags: for example, if you have a keyword like "Real SEO", also put "Real SEO". Go to YouTube Analytics and check out Traffic Resources to see how people are looking for you.

Include the singular and plural of your tags: if your keyword is "Tattoo Art", also include "Tattoo Art" and separate your keyword into different tags such as "Tattoo" and "Art".

Include tag phrases as long tail keywords.

Getting the keyword idea is one of the important parts of YouTube SEO. You can't think of all the possible keywords to include in your video.

Top 3 SEO Programs on YouTube

1.- TubeBuddy keyword research tool

TubeBuddy is the most popular YouTube keyword research tool you can use. It is available as a Chrome extension and also as a mobile application (iPhone and Android).

The cool angle about this tool is that it shows you how hard or easy it is for you to rank a keyword based on the existing content on your channel.

Learn more about this tool in our full article on TubeBuddy in Spanish.

2.- VidIQ keyword research tool

Many may not know it, but VidIQ offers also a great keyword suggestion tool for YouTube.

There are more features offered by VidIQ which will help improve the overall ranking of your downloaded YouTube videos.

Read our full article on VidIQ in Spanish to learn more about this program.

3.- SEMrush keyword research tool

SEMrush is a tool of

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