
How to advertise?

In this guide you will learn to make effective advertisements with 10 tips you can apply to any digital marketing platform.

All businesses need publicity, regardless of their niche. After all, you need new customers because without them your business will fail.

The good news is that the basics of effective advertising apply to almost all platforms that you want to use as a promotional tool.

This includes:

  • Brochures
  • Electronic mail.
  • Flyers and other advertisements and brochures.
  • Advertisements in magazines and newspapers.
  • Online advertisements (Banners, etc.).
  • Websites, including those used with online advertising.
  • Much more.

Here is 10 tips for creating effective banner ads that can help your promotions stand out from your competition.

Let's start!

1.- Differentiate yourself from your competition

It starts by asking you:

What sets you apart from your competition?

People are constantly in contact with advertisements from all kinds of companies.

So what will make your potential customers buy your company's product or service instead of go with one of your competitors? ...

Here's what to know and what to focus on with your banner ad.

Show potential customers why your business is their number one choice and why they shouldn't even consider your competition. So there's a good chance they won't.

Each advertisement must make a proposal to the consumer, not just words, product ads, or storefront ads. Each banner ad should tell each reader:

"Buy this product here to benefit from this specific advantage"

Your proposal must be a proposal that the competition cannot or does not offer. You need to be unique, whether it's in branding or in a claim that the rest of that particular ad area doesn't.

The proposition you make with your ads should be strong enough to move the masses, that is to say attract new customers and potential customers.

3 examples of irresistible offers in advertisements

Think for example of well-known brands who offer (or have offered at the time) a very hard to beat by their competition:

1.- FedEx: "When your package must absolutely, positively arrive overnight".

2.- Domino's Pizza: "Have a hot and fresh pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less, or it's free."

3.- Southwest Airlines: "We are the low cost airline."

And so you can find hundreds of examples of irresistible offers that brands are launching into the market.

Then ...

What makes you different? Unique? What do you have that no one else has? This is the kind of thing that you must you ask.

Take a pen and paper and brainstorm. I am sure that you will start to discover brilliant ideas from the start.

2.- Use a powerful title

On the Internet, people scan things quickly. They come in contact with so many ads every day that they might not be able to read every one of them.

This is why you need to make sure that your banner ad captures and retains really Their attention. You can do this with an effective headline.

On average, people are more likely to pay attention to your headline than to the body of the text.

The question you need to ask yourself is:

Who are you trying to attract? What would grab your attention? «

The right titles come in many ways...

Some titles are worthy of interestas an a new service or product launch.

Others offer a very interesting service. Most are specific, as opposed to general, in their actions.

And there are also others who use a negative angle (like "cut costs" rather than "increase profits").

3.- Talk about the benefits

Advertisements should focus on the benefits of the product or service being offered.

Explaining the characteristics of your products or services is important, but explaining the benefits to the customer is really what it is.

After all, the people are more interested in what they get from your services than by what you do.

It's not complicated. Here is what you need to do to resolve this issue:

Step 1: List all your services (or products). For each, make a list of everything the service (function) does.

Step 2: List what is the result of each function: the benefit for the customer.

4.- Make an irresistible offer

Consumers love good deals. So give them a voucher to come back to you again and again.

What does a unbeatable price, free try, expedition, ou bundle offer, do whatever you can give to your customers a good deal will help you succeed.

Once you have offers your irresistible offer, be sure to announce it with pride. When people see that you have something great for them, they will be hard pressed to resist it.

5.- Make your offer without risk

People are nervous about spending their money. There is too much' scammers and shoddy products. People fear wasting their hard earned money on many products and services.

If people are worried about losing their money and regret their purchase, they are unlikely to buy your product. But, if you eliminate those doubts, people are enticed to try your product or service.

Therefore, it is a great idea to offer a risk-free guarantee. Knowing that there is no risk and that they have nothing to lose in buying your product or service is a powerful incentive to buy.

This "reverses" the risk and places a part with the seller. This is called “risk investing”.

If potential customers know that they can get their money back if they are not satisfied, they will be less concerned about wasting money and more inclined to try.

Additionally, many people instantly feel better about a product if the company is willing to endorse it. Show that your product is worth it and that you are not afraid to save it with a risk-free guarantee.

Almost all of the big brands use risk investing and have a money back guarantee on their products.

6.- Use a call to action

Don't just tell your potential customers what your business has to offer . Encourage them to take action. Directly tell them to click on your banner ad, order your product, pay for your service, etc.

For example, your "call to action" might prompt people to email you for more information, to fill out a form to get more information about your services, to sign up for your newsletter weekly or monthly by e-mail or to buy your product or service.

You can even ask users to click on your banner ad to the lead to your website instead of just looking at the banner banner.

You need to use interesting words and persuasive language to give the action an extra boost.

7.- Give them a reason to buy now

You need people to go ahead and do something with your offer NOW.

When people see an advertisement and think about trying a business later, they may be intending to do so ...

However, people often move on and completely forget about the advertisement and product that might be of interest to them. As a result, you need to encourage people to act now and not later.

You can create this urge in several ways.

For example, you can make your irresistible offer for a limited time. If people find that they only have a certain amount of time, like a few hours or a few days, to make an unforgettable deal they're already passionate about, they're more likely to take a step now than later.

Many people assume they can get the same deal later. But if they know they can't, they're more likely to take the deal now.

This is not the only way to create a sense of urgency. You can also introduce an upcoming season or event when your product is useful in getting people to buy now.

Whichever way you choose to go about it, it's important that your potential customers know that the time to take action is NOW.

8.- Use testimonials

The testimonials from satisfied customers show that your product is worth it.

One of the most important parts of creating an effective banner ad is building the trust and interest For Your Business.

Remember, people have a lot of concerns these days, especially when they are online. It is important to build confidence in your business, products and services so that they know that your business is the right choice.

You can do this by showing that other people in the past have been satisfied their decision to buy from you or work with you.

A great way to do this is to add a testimonial or two from those who are happy with your business and your products.

Today, countless people are rely on online reviews when purchasing new businesses, products and services.

People trust other consumers and want to know what they have to say about a business.

You can't get people to search online for reviews of your business, but you can give them the same peace of mind by adding a testimonial from a current customer who is happy with what you have to offer.

Seeing that other consumers like them are happy with your product can encourage potential customers to try it.

9.- Use exciting graphics

People are visual. Simple text on a simple background can get boring. People don't always want to read everything that has been written in an advertisement or an article ...

You can appeal to the visual interest of your customers by adding interesting graphics to your banner ads.

For example, you can post a photo of what you have to offer, or you can post something that catches the eye. You can also take the photos yourself or search for free and royalty-free images online.

Public chat the platforms advertisers like Instagram, the visual factor is extremely important. In others, it is not. And the others, you can't even include visuals. So it varies from platform to platform.

Either way, adding something visual will help you attract more attention and interest For Your Business.

10.- Include your contact information

Don't make the mistake of running an amazing and eye-catching banner ad and forgetting to place your contact information or your link to buy, subscribe, etc.

You told them what you were selling, now tell them where to buy it. Everything else is a waste of money.

You must use your banner ads to link people to your website in order to get more information under the contact information. This is imperative for several reasons.

First, if people visit your site and are impressed with it, you have a better chance of turning them into real customers.

Second, you can track the performance of your banner ads and the leads generated on the website to get an idea of ​​how your campaign is performing. Therefore, if you are not getting the results you are looking for, you will know where you need to make changes.

Offer the best possible experience

Remember, you should always outperform when it comes to your customers.

Creating an effective banner ad is great, but your ads won't get you very far if you don't make your customers happy. Therefore, you need to focus on providing all of your customers with the best possible experience.

If you always deliver more than what they expect, you never have to worry about someone being disappointed. Then you will see your customers coming back again and again and they will be more likely to tell their friends about your business.

What types of banner ads are the most effective?

Personally, I really like advertising like Google Ads ou Microsoft Advertising (BingAds). This type of campaign is known as PPC Marketing (Pay Per Click) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

I find them to be one of the most effective paid ad types because they are used from the mots -

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