
Keyword research for SEO

Today we are going to talk about the keyword research for SEO and how you can use it to improve easily your SEO ranking.

Keywords and keyword research are the first things to learn when you want to grow your business online using search engine optimization ( SEO).

This guide is written for beginners to understand the most basic concept of SEO: keyword research.

Even if you've never understood what the purpose of keyword research is and how it's actually done, this guide will help you understand all of its fundamentals.

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Today we will answer questions such as:

-What is keyword research?

-How important is keyword research?

-How can keyword research benefit you?

-How to do a keyword research to improve my SEO positioning?

And further…

Let's start!

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding keywords that would generate targeted traffic for your business. This is done primarily by identifying how target users find a website like yours.

When we are looking for a solution to one of our problems, we use a search engine like Google or Bing to find an answer.

We hope the search engine gives us a solution within the first search page, also known as the SERP (search engine results page).

Keyword research for SEO positioning in layman's terms

Keyword research helps us identify those "phrases", "words", "queries" that the masses type into a search engine.

Do you prefer audiovisual content? ...

Here is a short video that explains in layman's terms what keyword research is and how to start your first search with Google Planner:

As a business or even as a blog, when we know what kind of queries users are making (en masse) through search engines, we can optimize or create new pages, helping users find the answer and use this traffic to develop our business.

Alternatively, using the same keywords (queries) you can also serve ads on platforms such as Facebook and SEM Campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads ou Microsoft Advertising, to drive traffic to your websites or to your customers.

Why is keyword research important to improve my SEO positioning?

Did you know that about 60% of people who search for something on Google crawl content only on the first page of results and completely ignore the following (from page 2)? ...

It is not a minor fact. So in short:

You should try to appear on the first page of results. This is when you will see inbound traffic to your site from search engines increase.

Keyword research for SEO positioning in technical words

The purpose of keyword research is to find these "topics", "ideas" and assign business value to them, which is commonly used by your target audience.

Another way to look at keyword research is that it helps you discover the questions and queries your target customers have on the web, and gives you the benefit of speaking the language your customer will understand.

Keyword research for SEO positioning in a simple example

Suppose you want to buy a camera to record videos. So you go to Google and type " best camera to record videos "...

Since Google Search is smart, it automatically fills in a lot of frequently used queries to help you ask the right question. As shown in the image above, Google will help you with your search by suggesting other related keywords such as:

1.- best camera to record videos for youtube.

2.- best camera to record cheap videos.

3.- best compact camera to record videos.

Leverage search engine data to learn how people search for content and improve your SEO rankings

Now, depending on your location and understanding, you either stick with your query or you can choose one suggested by Google. Le search E l records the number of times millions of users around the world make these requests.

The keyword research process displays the most popular query, along with the geographic location and the number of times those queries were made within a specified time frame (for example, 30 days).

What can I use this information for in my business?

As a business owner, these statistics will help you understand which of these queries to answer on your website, and in turn, will help users discover your website and the solution.

Ultimately, the solution helps owners drive more targeted traffic from search engines, which turns into direct sales, ad sales, or even ad sales. affiliate sales.

Well, this is how keyword research helps.

With a little preparation, you could generate significant traffic to your own blog or business, making the most of your hard work.

On-page SEO

The process of optimizing your keyword for the search engine is called on-page SEO. This is a topic for slightly more advanced users. Today we are looking at keyword research.

However, if you want to know more about page SEO and other related topics, I recommend you to read our article:

The best free digital marketing courses.

How to use keyword research to improve my SEO positioning and sell products?

To return to the previous example , let's say now that you have a business that sells cameras to record videos.

By using keyword research tools, you can find relevant data about how a person searches the search engine for the type of product you are offering.

SEMrush: The # 1 tool for keyword research and SEO positioning

I introduce you SEMrush, considered the # 1 Marketing Tool in the World. With this program, you can access a giant database and artificial intelligence to perform (among other things) your keyword research.

Enter here to try SEMrush for free.

Plus, you will get words related to the same search that will give you new ideas.

The image above is a screenshot of the “SEMrush” output, showing similar queries with a large amount of data.

What metrics are important for my SEO positioning?


It is the query that users make to find what they need (example: the best camera for recording videos).

When we do SEO, this is the term we are "targeting" which is why we often call it "target keyword" or "target keyword".


This tells you approximately how many people are searching for that particular keyword in a given month. This is a very important metric, because even if you assume that a search term will be popular, the search data will tell you otherwise.  


These metrics help you see if the keyword trend is up (more people search) or down (fewer people search).

For example, MacBook Pro might be a popular term in 2020-2021, but as a new MacBook comes out, that term will lose its value. You'll understand this in depth as we progress through our guide to keyword research.

Keyword difficulty

This is an important metric that helps you understand how difficult or easy it will be to rank for a target keyword on the first page of Google ...

These tools compare all existing ranking pages for things like “On-Page SEO”, “Backlink Profile”, “Domain Authority” and a few others, to rank these queries. The lower the rank, the easier it will be to rank.

So, there are many matrices that you will get when you start keyword research.

Simply put, keyword research helps you make decisions based on real data.

Now let's take a look at the main benefits of keyword research.

Benefits of keyword research

Not all keywords are the same, and let's try to quantify that.

The keyword research process could help your business (blog, ecommerce, service, or whatever) in the following ways:

Help understand the language used by your target audience

We normally use Google search as a basis, because it is the biggest search engine.

Keyword research will help you understand how people search on search engines like Google. You must speak the same language as your audience in order to connect with them.

Allows you to discover queries without exploding

Queries that could directly help you get paying customers from organic searches like Google search, Baidu, and others.

Compromised public

The audience you are going to receive is already hot (ready to buy) and you will get strong engagement in the form of comments, exchanges or even in the form of a sale.

Market and customer trend

Periodic keyword research will help you understand which direction your market and customers are heading.

Competitive advantage

Incorporating keywords and SEO ahead of your competition will give you a solid advantage. Well done, in a niche less cluttered, it could help you get lots of backlinks for the benefit of being the first to act.

Reduce the cost of PPC

SEO keywords will help you drive that traffic for free, which a business typically pays in the form of PPC marketing. Such organic ranking could significantly reduce the cost du digital marketing of your company.

You get more income from advertising

Marketers and bloggers who depend on income from Google AdSense or could use keyword research to find high CPC keywords and dramatically increase their ad revenue, with the same effort.

There are many other benefits of keyword research, the ones above are the main ones.

Keyword types

Going back to our previous example of the best camera for recording videos, someone interested in this product might ask this question with a different intention. For example:

-You could googling: "how to choose a camera to record videos."

-You can also search: "what is the number 1 camera to record videos" -

-If you are ready to buy, you can search for something like: "buy a camera to record videos".

Do you see how the same query means something different when used for different purposes? ...

This is called the research intention.

This brings us to the IMPORTANT ...

Keyword types by intent

Keywords can be subdivided into different types, depending on the intent of the users.

1.- Informative keywords

These are the keywords in which the user's search intent is to find information on a certain topic. These types of keywords are usually the ones that start with:

-What ... or, what does that mean ...

-How to do …

-Because it's important ...

2.- Navigation keywords

The person uses the keyword to access a web page. Some very typical are:

- Wikipedia "Keywords" (to find the corresponding article).

- "Title or keyword of the news" + Name of the communication medium ("Wimbledon El País result").

- "Brand name" (the person wants to enter the main page of the web and enter the name of the brand, since he knows that it is the first thing that will appear on Google).

3.- Transactional keywords

These are the juiciest keywords for any online business because there is transactional intent in the user (wants to buy). These are keywords that are usually composed of the form:

-Buy "product".

- Inexpensive "product".

-Price "product".

-Offer "product".

These 3 types determine which keyword will directly affect your income.

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