
How to make videos for YouTube?

In this article you will learn how to create videos for youtube, how to edit them and other tips to improve your ranking in the results.

When it comes to posting video content, YouTube is the ultimate destination. In fact, at this point, YouTube is almost synonymous with Internet video.

If you want create your youtube channel, but don't know where to start or anything about recording videos ...

Read this cover to cover

Let's start!

# 1: create a video strategy

The best YouTube content creators can make hundreds if not thousands of dollars a day. But ironically, being successful and making money on YouTube doesn't have much to do with making videos.

So how can you create quality videos for YouTube? ...

Find your ideal audience for YouTube

Before you start working on your first script or storyboard, you need to answer this question:

Who is your audience?

Knowing your audience will guide almost any decision you make about your video.

Knowing general information helps, but think about your specific audience.

What are your problems?

What do they need to know?

What will they learn from your video?

How does your video benefit them?

If you can't answer these basic questions, you need to dig deeper. The answers to these questions will guide you in planning and creating your video.

Pick the right topic for the right audience

You can be charismatic, funny, and smart, but if you don't add value, your videos are worthless.

It's not about you or what you can earn. If you show up on YouTube looking to get something out of it, you probably won't have much success. You need to focus on your audience. Not on yourself.

When you start to see what your audience wants and needs, there are things you can do to help you focus better.

How do I define my audience on YouTube?

Once you have a feel for your audience, you need to create content that matches them. It doesn't matter if your video doesn't work for other groups or other people.

When you are starting out, you need your audience to be as specific as possible.

Focus your content on helping the viewer achieve their goals. You want to make sure your video helps him know exactly what he needs to be successful.

Avoid paralysis by analysis

I know it can be tempting to watch some big name YouTubers and think that you have to create videos like this and get a massive following at the same time, but all of these thoughts can be crippling.

Too many people worry that things will be perfect from the start. We freeze and don't create anything or publish our content because we care so much about having all the right gear or whether every part is perfect.

What if you find yourself caught making it perfect?

Start by asking yourself a few questions:

Will my audience not clearly understand the purpose of the video if these changes are not made?

Will the video, as is, achieve its goal?

Does the video contain anything abnormal that would seriously affect the viewer?

What's the worst that will happen if the current version is released as is?

Can you make better use of the time that might be spent continuing to edit on another project?

Once you've answered these questions, allow yourself to move on. If you focus too much on creating the perfect video, you'll limit yourself in the long run.

# 2: find topics to make videos

Now that you know your audience, you might be wondering:

"What should I make a video of on YouTube?" " ...

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to find great YouTube video ideas and topics that your audience is really looking for.

Let's say you have a business that offers computer maintenance services. You decide that you are going to target your channel to people who need to fix their computers for a specific problem.

The initial topics of your video might include things like: How to take care of my computer or How to check if my computer contains viruses etc.

It's a good start, but for more ideas than your initial list, here are some tips on the best places you can use to inspire yourself and find topics that are highly relevant to your specific audience.

How to find topics to make videos with a YouTube search

YouTube search is one of the best ways to find what people are looking for. When you have an idea for content, do a quick YouTube search and see what comes up.

Then look at the search results and decide if this is a crowded area or if there is room to create a unique and valuable version. Ideally, choose topics that you are passionate about and that are relevant to your audience.

When you have a basic idea on a topic, YouTube can help you refine it.

Search YouTube by typing a few keywords in the search bar.

Auto-suggest / auto-complete function

Auto suggest / autocomplete feature will provide you with additional keywords suggested by YouTube.

Here is an example where I typed "how to get more views on youtube" into the search bar followed by a list of suggested topics.

Take these terms and make a list. After all your research, you might find that a video can cover more than one of the same topics, or you can create a series of videos.

How to get ideas for making videos using the comments section

The comments section on videos and articles can be a great resource for YouTube video topics. Viewers often suggest additional topics or ask questions that suggest areas of interest to create additional content.

So start by looking at a competitor's YouTube channel and start extracting ideas from the comments.

Get ideas for your community and group videos

Whether it's on Twitter, a Facebook group, or a group of members, you can find like-minded people who will inspire you and help you along the way.

Find a group that you can reflect on and ask questions. For starters, you can even come up with a few different (and better) video themes.

Ask your audience what kind of videos they like

If you already have an audience (even a small one), it's worth asking them what kind of content they'd like to see. It's a sure-fire way to find out what your audience wants to know, learn, and see.

# 3: define your first video with SEO

A video cannot be successful if no one sees it!

You should consider the search engine optimization (SEO) when you start to create your video. And a very important part of SEO is the keywords.

As regards the YouTube SEO, there is a lot to learn and discover, but the main thing you want to do is get people to search for your content in search engines. For this, you must learn about the keyword research. This will help you identify words that can or cannot be used to create videos.

Keywords will help you define which video ideas are worth your time and which ideas you can drop.

How to create YouTube videos that can be ranked in search results?

1.- Focus on creating content that is good for the users.

2.- Create content that is good for the search engines.

Ultimately, you want your content to be found. SEO can be an extremely complicated business, but you don't have to do it all at once.

To make your content useful and easy to find, keep in mind the questions users ask when looking for something on YouTube. Then you can create the right content and publish it.

How to apply SEO on YouTube?

The fastest way to do this is to install a tool to help you with the process. TubeBuddy ou VidIQ will do the job easily. Both platforms allow you to use the program for FREE, so feel free to use whichever works best for you.

Here is a guide on way to search for keywords on YouTube at the TubeBuddy help. Read this to dive into SEO, keywords, tags, and more. All of this is a fundamental part of the process of optimizing a YouTube channel and / or website.

Define what will be your first video and what type

There are all kinds of videos that people create on YouTube. However, How-to videos / tutorials are a great way to start in almost any case.

What is a video tutorial and what is it for?

A video tutorial simply answers a question someone asked. Either way, you are simply sharing your knowledge with others.

These types of videos can be found all over YouTube, and for good reason.

This means that you have a great opportunity to create useful and valuable instructional videos for your audience.

People are looking for video help every day. Learning and educational content alone generates more than a billion views per day on YouTube.

# 4: assemble the recording team

It can be easy to get overwhelmed and not have the right tools to create your videos.

It's fun to have high-end gear, and there's no doubt that better gear can produce better quality video.

Also keep in mind that highly specialized equipment can be complex to operate and require considerable time and training to master.

Especially when you are starting out, try not to worry too much about the team.

First, learn how to create content and how to worry about growing your team later.

Here are some of the basic amenities (besides your phone) that you can consider if you want to create high quality YouTube videos:

Get a quality microphone

This will undoubtedly improve the overall quality of your video. A decent mic doesn't have to be expensive, but it's worth it.

I won't go into detail here when talking about specific microphone brands. You know what I mean when I say you need at least one microphone that meets the minimum requirements for your voice to be heard well.

Try a screen recorder and video editor

When choosing screen recording software, choose a tool with built-in recording, editing, and sharing features.

This will save you time and allow you to do all your work in one tool.

Recording your screen is a great way to make a YouTube video without a camera.

Camtasia is considered by many experts to be the best video editing program for beginners. And it has the power and versatility to grow with you as you learn more skills.

Pay attention to the lighting

If you shoot a video with a camera or even a webcam, the lighting of the video will make a big difference to its appearance and overall quality.

3-point lighting diagram

Lights will even improve the look of videos from mobile devices and can be a great investment. You don't have to pay a lot of money for the lights to come on.

Since lighting is a mixture of science and art, a basic set will help you create a professional looking video.

Use a good quality camera or webcam

Cameras can represent large investments, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

While DSLRs or other high-end cameras can dramatically improve the look of your video, they also add a ton of settings and options that need to be managed, increasing the complexity of recording your video. .

An external webcam is a relatively inexpensive option for improving the quality of your videos. Most built-in webcams are of fairly poor quality compared to their external counterparts.

And don't forget, you probably have a really nice camera in your pocket, backpack, or purse. Most of the latest smartphones can record videos in Full HD (1080p) and many can even do it in 4K.

# 5: schedule your video recording

Now that you know your audience, have the topics planned, and you know what video to make, it's time to start making your video.

Write a script or plan

A script might seem pretty formal, but it's a great tool to help keep you focused. Plan the images (plans, angles, graphics, etc.) that accompany each line of dialogue.

If you already have a blog post on a topic, I suggest you write a script based on the original post. It doesn't need to be elaborate.

If a script seems overkill, a simple preview will help explain your points and it's better than filming without a shot.

Clean up your desktop (and your computer)

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid when filming yourself is having too much clutter, both on-screen and off-screen.

Whether you're recording video at your desk, work, or home, you need your surroundings to be clean and presentable.

And if you record your screen, your computer's desktop is likely to appear in the video. It might also confuse your audience in case you have a lot of articles stacked up and a lot of clutter appears.

# 6: record, edit and upload your video

Record your video

Pick your favorite screen recorder or any video maker program and run all the planning you made!

There are many options for doing this. There are hundreds of paid and free programs available for producing and editing videos. However, if you want a recommendation for making HIGH QUALITY video tutorials, I would recommend giving Camtasia a try again.

Camtasia is p

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