
What is an Infoproduct? Main advantages

In this article you will learn what an information product is, the types you can sell, and the benefits of creating your own information product.

Lately, many professionals have had to reinvent themselves and migrate their physical activities to the Internet. Among so many options, infoproducts stand out in the digital market.

But you might also be wondering:

What is an information product? ...

Why are they so trendy? ...

What are the reasons to consider creating one? ...

In this article, we'll answer these and other questions related to information products. You will have all the information you need to bring your business to a market where there are no limits, opening hours or physical space limitations!

Let's start!

What are Infoproducts?

Okay, maybe you've heard that word before. However, the big question is: after all, what is an information product? ...

Basically, an information product is digital content, published to share information with another person.

These contents are usually created to teach someone something.

There are a few formats commonly used to create this content. Like e-books and videos, for example. We will explain each later.

Who can create an information product?

The answer to this question is simple: anyone with information or content that is relevant to other people. That is to say almost anybody.

At this point, you might be wondering: but is my content really interesting to others?

Well, probably yes. After all, planet Earth is made up of billions of people. However, to be on the safe side, it is essential to define a target audience.

Another question, or rather, the fear that overwhelms some is: if I turn my product and / or service into a product info, I will teach someone to do it, won't I lose my sale so? ...


Even if you continue to offer your product and / or service, one of the great advantages of this format is: You become a source of information, an authority. And that will only increase your credibility in the market, taking you much further ...

Examples of Infoproducts

Look at the following image of the marketplace of Hotmart, affiliate marketing network specialized in marketing of digital products, mainly infoproducts:

As you can see in the image above, in information product markets like Hotmart, you can find, buy and sell all kinds of information products of almost all the market niches to which you can think of.

To find an information product in Hotmart, all you need to do is enter the marketplace and search by word, category, etc. You can apply filters to find different information products marketed in Hotmart.

In addition, thousands of Hotmart affiliates around the world are promoting these products in the market for earn a commission on every sale. This way, the creator of the product info (in this case: you), the affiliate and Hotmart make a profit!

If you want to know more about this business model to sell your information products, I recommend you read our article: How to do affiliate marketing?

A simple example of an infoproduct

If you still don't know how it can be done, let's see an example we could find in real life:

Imagine that you are working in the organization of events, especially musical events. Therefore, your customer profile is made up of people and / or companies who wish to organize an event including the staging of a musical group or a DJ.

You know this field, you have worked in it for years and you are constantly studying the subject.

If you want to start small, your first information product can be an eBook. In this case, the content could be “How to organize musical events of all kinds on the lowest possible budget”.

You know that this content is useful for a significant part of the population because you are working with it in the “physical world”.

The people who are on the Internet are the same people who line up at the supermarket. If there is an audience for the physical, there is also one for the digital.

Therefore, the advice is always that people focus on a niche that they already know and, if possible, experience.

Types of Infoproducts

Well, as you can imagine, there are many types of Infoproducts that you can create, promote, and sell. Let's talk a bit about this so that you find out which is the best way for you.

What are the main types of infoproducts?

Now that you know what a product info is, it's time to talk a bit about the major formats used in the digital marketplace.

1- Electronic books (E-Books)

Electronic books or E-Books are books in digital format. Nothing more than that. And they usually offer a more detailed explanation on a certain topic. This type of information product is one of the most popular, and you've probably read eBooks yourself.

E-books are one of the most widely used formats for sharing the most comprehensive content on the Internet. It's about showing your experience in a certain topic and helping people reach a goal.

One of the advantages of this type of information product is that the creation process is quite straightforward compared to others.

This format is very popular, however, you also have to worry about the appearance of the product. Remember that you are selling a book that should be attractive to your customer.

If you don't have a lot of visual skills, hire a designer. Fiverr is a great place to find one at the best price. The investment will be worth it.

2- Online courses

We have witnessed the slow democratization of education over the past decade, and this will only continue, in part because of online courses.

Online courses come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the most established types like Coursera ou Udemy to the little ones like the marketing courses of the SEMrush Academy shown in the image above.

As with the eBooks here, the key to attracting students is to demonstrate your expertise. Whatever your topic, if you clearly know what you are talking about, people will participate digitally.

Selling courses online is another very effective way to harness the power of information products to generate income.

3 - Podcast

Le podcast is one of the fastest growing formats on the internet lately. Basically it is a radio show, broadcast and hosted on the internet.

So your information product can also be in audio format. Or at least part of it can be audio.

The big challenge with this format is recording the content itself. The listener absorbs your content, doing other things (example: listening to your podcast while exercising). The audio format of the Podcast offers this advantage which makes it very easy to consume product information.

This can be a great option for those with a routine audience who want convenience and save time. 

4 - Recorded video lessons

We've all used YouTube at some point to learn something. It's full of people teaching stuff on every subject you can think of!

The videos have gained popularity with the public. Video is the format that most simulates real life. So he ends up being the majority preference audiences.

The best part is, you don't need high end gear to get started. Today most phones and computers work and with certain techniques you can do wonders. here are some tips for creating YouTube videos who can help you.

5 - Live video lessons (webinars)

Webinars or webinars are also videos. The difference is that they are broadcast live. And they usually require prior registration to access them.

The great advantage of this type of information product, over regular videos, is that webinars allow for instant interaction with your audience. Which brings a closer proximity to the customer.

The “downside” is that many people don't feel so safe talking live. But it is also a question of time and training.

However, without a doubt, a big advantage is that you don't have to worry about editing, for example. What matters here is the quality of the content.

What type of infoproduct should I choose?

In the previous topic, we showed some possibilities for your information product. However, there are several more on the market.

It is precisely for this reason that we find that many people have doubts about which to choose. This doubt is quite frequent. Mainly, because the truth is that he there is no better or worse format that the other.

That's right, yes, video material has been gaining momentum lately. In that sense, they have ended up being the most chosen in recent years.

However, the one who will decide what type of information product best suits your reality is you alone.

First, think about what makes the most sense to your audience. Example: Do you prefer to read, listen or watch what they have to teach?

Next, think about your time, how much you can (and want) to spend, and what is best for the topic you want to teach.

There are subjects which require more of the visual and practical part, others are more theoretical. Everything matters. So think about your purpose and your character. This will give you the correct answer.

There's nothing stopping you from launching information products in different formats either. At the same time or at different times. The only rule here is: be relevant to your audience.

Advantages of Infoproducts

You have already learned what an information product is, in fact you also know which formats are used the most and how to choose yours. Then i leave you 8 benefits of creating your information product:

1 - Low investment

In general, when we talk about creating an information product, we are talking about a lower investment. Especially when you compare it to traditional media.

For example, in an eBook, all you need is a text editor, like Word or Google Docs. And a tool or a professional to schematize later.

Super simple compared to the process of editing and publishing a physical book, for example.

2 - No transport costs

How many times, in the case of product sales, have you been unable to complete your purchase due to the cost of freight?

This can be a major deterrent in some businesses. But when we talk about an information product, there is no such cost. Everything is mapped on the internet, with access anytime, anytime, anywhere.

When it comes to information products, all you have to do is worry about the sale, since everything else is pretty much done on autopilot!

3- Location is not a problem

Are you far from large urban centers? With the product info, that's no problem.

In fact, with it, you stop restricting your audience by location. Rather, you start to contact anyone, from anywhere in the world, who might be interested in your business. Therefore, the sky is the limit!

4 - There is no time limit

If you previously needed to take care of your future customers during working hours, with the product info you can be with your customer any time of the day.

After all, everything is available on the Internet, and you will be able to access it when it is most convenient for you.

5.- There is no space limitation

Is your head office small? Or in many cases, is your business headquarters your living room?

It is often a brake on a business ...

With an information product this does not happen! There is no maximum number of people who can read your e-book, for example.

Then you can bring your business to an unlimited number of people. All at the same time, several times, without having to leave the house.

6 - Your sale is more assertive

When you create an information product, you can automatically learn more about the audience who bought you. This ends up being a big advantage when it comes to creating new information products and having even better ideas.

When digital media is used to build relationships with your audience, sales are more assertive. And you have easy access to people who have bought from you before, for example: via marketing by e-mail.

7 - Create lasting relationships with your customers

This is possible because when you create an information product, you will usually have your audience's email address.

With this information, you can continue to interact with that customer at other times. Send more relevant free content and strengthen your link. Until finally, you send him another irresistible offer and he will make more deals with you.

8- You will become a Reference

This is one of the most important benefits of creating infoproducts ...

When you create an information product, you need to have a lot of baggage in your business. You need to know in depth everything about your audience and your market.

By creating your material, you show all that authority to your client. People will start to see you as a source of information.

You will become a benchmark in the market in which you operate. And we know that credibility and authority are essential for the future of any business.

Where to buy and sell information products?

The first option that comes to mind when it comes to selling information products is create your own website un start a blog, that this either an e-book, a course, etc. Et

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